Amaarae's THE ANGEL YOU DON’T KNOW is a reverb-heavy mix of Afropop, trap, hip-hop and R&B. With unbelievably tight production, the album's sound is a cohesive formulation of hip-swinging baselines, head-bopping beats, and just-so melodies, all topped off with Amaarae's self-assured vocal delivery that alternates between whispers, sing-song rapping and straight singing. The Accra-based Ghanaian-American singer has released one of the most infectious 35 minutes of pop I've heard in a years.
It conjures images of airy dance spaces with great music, slow-motion montages of dancing and looking beautiful against a backdrop of out-of-focus string lights hanging from parapet walls: wooden roofs, salty sea breeze. Pre-covid I assumed I’d one day be a part of those montages; that I’d live a life that consisted of real-life slow-dancing on cool sea shanty shacks. Hazy nocturnal comfort: much-needed sometimes. Life has a way of being hard sometimes; honeydrop beauty can sometimes be just the antidote.
I miss missing untaken beach vacations, dancing under thatch, drink in hand. I feel like I want to go back to doing it. I miss imagining being happy for no good reason, not being worried about the future, not being weighed down by responsibility, mostly to myself, but also to those around me. It's objectively a horrible way to go through life, but the mental vacations are plentiful, and they're enjoyable.
Maybe once this is done, I can graduate to actually taking those vacations.
Teeth of the Sea’s 2023 record, Hive, is one of my favourite records of the year. It’s a tightly produced alt-psych rock record. It’s low on lyrics, high on sonic exploration. And it manages to occupy this fairly unique space without sounding like a prog record (thank goodness).